Alpha Omega Epsilon’s Risk Management Policy as of 1/17/2010
The Risk Management policy of Alpha Omega Epsilon Sorority includes the following provisions and shall apply to all Sorority entities and to all levels of Sorority membership.
Members are responsible for their guests’ compliance with this policy.
Failure of any member to abide by this policy may be punishable by probation, suspension or revocation of a Chapter charter; probation or expulsion of the individual(s) involved; removal from office of those involved; the denial of membership to candidates who allow themselves to become involved in any of the aforementioned.
Alpha Omega Epsilon is not a police state. We do not employ law enforcement agents, nor were we ever founded or chartered to do so. Alpha Omega Epsilon regards its members as subjects of the host College or University first and members of Alpha Omega Epsilon second. Alpha Omega Epsilon does not possess the ability to enforce the laws, regulations, and policies of the state and university in which it resides. It does, however, advise and encourage its members to conform and abide by the laws in each City, County, State, Province, Tribal, Federal, Country, which a Chapter resides, rules, regulations and policies of the host College or University.
-Chapters must publish this policy in their membership education materials.
-Chapters must read this policy aloud at the first Sorority meeting at the beginning of each term.
-Chapters must post this policy at the door of all events.
-The Sorority must publish this policy annually in the Sorority Newsletter.
General Policies
2. The possession, sale, consumption or distribution of alcoholic beverages during an official Sorority event on or off campus, or in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the country, state, county, city, regulations of the host venue or educational institution and any contract agreements.
3. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through the Sorority or Chapter treasury. No purchase of alcoholic beverages may be undertaken or coordinated for members or guests by any member in the name of or on behalf of the Sorority or Chapter.
4. No alcohol is allowed at any recruitment or membership education event or at any candidate or Chapter meeting on or off campus.
5. If any member or guest appears to be even slightly intoxicated, at any Chapter function, the Chapter members shall ensure said member or guest is escorted from the function. Said intoxicated member or guest may be escorted home or to a safe environment through employment of programs such as a safe ride home or walk home program.
6. Where alcoholic beverages are served or consumed legally (i.e., by those of legal age), such beverages shall be served only in non-transparent containers for purposes of reducing peer pressure on those who choose not to consume said beverages or those who are not of legal age.
7. No Chapter shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games” at any Chapter function.
8. Any and all alcoholic beverages are prohibited for being served to, provided for or purchased for any candidate or initiated member at any and all aspects of membership education on or off campus.
9. Public intoxication on or off campus of any member is considered unprofessional. Habitual violators will be advised to seek counseling. In addition, the sorority shall not refer to alcohol in any way in an advertisement for a social function.
10. The Sorority shall not co-sponsor an event, with an alcohol distributor or bar/restaurant where alcohol will be given away, sold, or otherwise provided to those present. Alcohol distributors and taverns may make financial donations to a chapter’s philanthropic cause, but not directly to the chapter.
Open Event Policies
An open event is defined as an event that is hosted or co-hosted by a Chapter with unrestricted access to nonmembers, i.e. without specific invitation. An example of an open event that is hosted or co-hosted by a Chapter would be hosting a campus game night or co-hosting a neighborhood garage sale.
11. Open Events, where alcohol is present, are prohibited.
Closed Event Policies
A closed event is defined as an event that is hosted or co-hosted by a Chapter with restricted access to nonmembers, i.e. with specific invitation. An example of a closed event that is hosted or co-hosted by a Chapter would be Founder’s Day dinner/dance or hosting an invite-only party with another campus organization.
12. Individual non-members (i.e., guests) attending a Closed Event that is hosted or co-hosted by a Chapter may do so by approval (written or verbal) by the Chapter. A list of individual guest(s) names must be maintained and monitored at the door or entry to the function.
13. Chapters must ensure that each invited guest shall sign in when they arrive at an event, indicating that they have read, understood, and agree to follow these regulations.
14. Any Closed Event where alcoholic beverages are present must also have non-alcoholic beverages and food available. It must be required that car keys be checked in at the door. A safe ride home and walk home program may be provided. At such functions, trained individuals who will commit themselves to complete sobriety and are not under the influence of illegal or controlled substances, shall be appointed or hired to be on duty at all entrances and exits to check the sobriety of those entering and leaving the premises and to prevent uninvited or intoxicated guests from entering. No person leaving the event will be allowed to take any alcoholic containers with him or her. All guests choosing to attend an event assume responsibility for their actions at the event.
15. Chapters may rent out an establishment or banquet facility for Closed Events where alcohol is present provided a licensed and insured bartender is selling all of the alcohol or managing the alcohol brought by guests. At least $1,000,000 of liquor liability coverage is required.
No chapter shall conduct or engage in hazing activities. Hazing activities are defined as: ‘Any action taken or situation created intentionally, whether on or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule.’ Such activities include, but are not limited to: the use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical or psychological shocks; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; kidnapping and blindfolding; the wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; late work sessions which interfere with scholastic activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with academic achievement, Sorority Law, ritual or policy, or the regulations and policies of the host educational institution or applicable City, County, State, Province, Tribal, Federal, Country, College or University law.
The Sorority will not tolerate or condone any form of abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental, or emotional. This includes any actions that are demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to date rape, gang rape, verbal harassment, discriminatory slurs, unwelcome sexual advances or comments, harassment of any kind, or any jokes, remarks or conduct that creates a hostile environment.
For the safety of it members and guests, no Sorority member or guest may carry a weapon or firearms of any kind while conducting Sorority business, and/or acting on behalf of, or attending any event in the name of the Sorority. Personal protection items such as pepper spray, alarms, or whistles may be carried but may not be used on any Sorority member or guest unless that member feels their safety is threatened.
Any alleged violation of the Risk Management Policy (RMP) must be considered a serious matter, and shall be investigated by the International Executive Board as expeditiously as possible. At the same time, there shall be a presumption of innocence until any charges are proven true. Ideally, all allegations should be investigated and resolved at the lowest possible level.
1. Anyone making an allegation that a violation has occurred must put it in writing using the Risk Management Support Request Form.
2. The written allegation shall be forwarded immediately to the IEB Secretary and the chapter’s Alumna Advisor and Regional Advisor.
3. The IEB will investigate the situation, and determine whether the allegations are indeed violations of the policy. This will take a maximum time period of two weeks.
4. Once the determination has been made the IEB Secretary will notify the Alumnae Advisor and Chapter confirming whether a violation has occurred.
5. If a violation has occurred, the Alumna Advisor and Regional Advisor, in conjunction with the IEB Interchapter Relations Officer, will attempt to resolve any violation at the chapter level first. Upon successful resolution of the violation, the IEB Interchapter Relations Officer will prepare a written summary of the violation and resolution, and send copies to all parties involved as well as the Chapter, Alumna Advisor, Regional Advisor and the IEB.
6. If the violation can not be resolved by the Alumna Advisor, Regional Advisor and International Executive Board Interchapter Relations Officer, the IEB Secretary will investigate the situation by personal visit or phone, or may delegate such work to a member of the Risk Management Committee or an IEB approved delegate, or investigate by other written summary of the violation and resolution, and send copies to all parties involved as well as the Chapter, Alumna Advisor and the International Executive Board.
7. If any party wishes to appeal the decision of the Risk Management Committee or approved delegate, a written request for appeal shall be made to the IEB. Upon receipt of the request, the International Executive Board will review all summaries previously submitted, and may choose to investigate further, either on their own or through a representative. In any case, the IEB will issue a final decision and resolution within two weeks. A written summary will be prepared of the findings and resolution, and send copies to all parties involved as well as the Chapter, Alumna Advisor.
8. At any step, resolution of the violation may include an apology, education of members and potential member’s, chapter or member probation, chapter revocation, or expulsion of one or more members. Any of the last three steps must be implemented according to the terms of the Sorority Constitution and Bylaws.
9. In the case that a Sorority or ritual event has already been scheduled for the time period of the investigation or appeal process for a violation relating to that event, it may take place as long as the IEB Secretary or her designated representative is present for the entire process.
10. No public announcement shall be made in the Sorority Newsletter and/or Chapter Newsletters or any other Sorority publication until the investigation and appeal process is complete. Nothing in this procedure shall be construed so as to require publication.
11. If there had been any announcement of probation made under the above section, when the said chapter or member has successfully met the requirements for lifting the probation, this fact shall be reported in the Sorority Newsletter and/or Chapter Newsletters and any other sorority publication in which the announcement originally appeared.